Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sarah White (Mrs. Kenosha County - WISCONSIN)

Hi! My name is Sarah White, Mrs. Kenosha County (Wisconsin). I am the proud wife of Brady and mom to Gavin (5) and Maya (1). Brady and I have been together since we were 15 and got married my senior year in College. We are the 3rd generation of High School Sweethearts that ended up getting married in his family!

As a family, we love to travel and take our kids on adventures. It is pretty easy to do when your family is as spread out across the country as ours is. Brady and I have a grandparent or sibling in Wisconsin, Missouri, Arizona, Oregon and Idaho! Up until recently - we also had New York on that list!! Each year we try to get the kids out to visit family and do one "no family" vacation to the beach or Disneyworld, etc.

Gavin will be in 1st grade next year - it is amazing how time flies! He is really excited for the pageant because of the hotel stay -- can't beat a pool inside! This June he also gets to be the ring "bear" at my brothers wedding. During the summer, Gavin plays T-ball and goes hiking with us. He also spends the whole month of June going back and forth on what his theme
should be for his birthday :)

After having Gavin, I thought it was impossible to ever love another person as much as I did him. Then Maya was born and I realized it was possible! Maya will turn 2 in September. She is such a beautiful baby and has just the right personality mix for our family. My grandparents say that she looks just like me when I was a baby - and after seeing some baby pictures I
have to agree. Maya is preparing to be the flower girl in my little brother's wedding June 23rd.

Due to some complications with pregnancies, we were told half way through the pregnancy with Maya that she had to be our last. While we were very disappointed, I was excited to have a healthy baby girl to "complete" our family. It also really made me look at my working priorities and decide that life was too short to work full time.

Two months after Maya was born in 2005, I owned my own Talent Acquisition Strategies consulting firm called White Consulting Group. It was an amazing venture that allowed me some amazing opportunities - one of them only working 25 hours per week! The most recent was being approached by a large non-profit association to become their Recruiting Solutions Director! As of this month - I am now an employee with them being able to help their member organizations improve their recruiting and retention strategies! The best part is that they are still giving me the flexibility to work only 30 hours a week - primarily from home!

As for pageants, I decided to enter the Mrs. Wisconsin pageant as a way to motivate and encourage other women to follow their dreams and give them encouragement. For the past 5 months, I have been blogging my adventure on completely transparent telling all about my challenges and weight loss stories. To make it more realistic for most people - I have set a $500 budget on myself for all pageant related expenses!! It has been AMAZING the feedback I have gotten from people, current queens encouragement from across the country and even media!! I have had the opportunity, because of the blog, to be featured in a NBC news segment on Mrs. Pageants as well as many newspapers around the country!

I am very excited to meet everyone!
Sarah White
Mrs. Kenosha County WISCONSIN 2007


Anonymous said...

That's so funny, because I thought I was being totally original with the name Gavin (I had rarely heard it before he was born). Since then, it seems like there are Gavin's everywhere! Oh well! I'm looking forward to meeting you and swapping stories - I also had many complications with my pregnancy. While they didn't tell me I couldn't have more, I will be put on bed rest at 12 weeks next time around.

Good luck with the final pageant preparations!

- Bridie Sellers

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are entering another pageant. You are a wonderful women and I wish you the best of luck!